Sahirman*, Sawarni Hasibuan**, Endrianur Rahman Zain**
*) PPPTK Pertanian Cianjur
Jl. Jangari Km 14.5 Karang Tengah Cianjur email: sahir_hirman@yahoo.com
**) Jurusan Teknologi dan Manajemen Industri Agro, Universitas Djuanda Bogor
Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 1 Bogor 16720, e-mail: sawarni02@yahoo.com

High production cost is one of the problems found in the development of biodiesel in Indonesia. This might be partly caused by the expensive cost of chemicals especially methanol whose share could reach up to 16% of the total production cost. This study was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of methanol recovery in the process of biodiesel production from Nyamplung oil.
Biodiesel production from Nyamplung oil was done at 70oC through two stages, namely esterification and transesterification. Treatments consisted of the utilization of methanol mixture resulted from distillation (100, 80, and 60%) and distillation cycles (1 and 2 times). A 2 x 3 factorial completely randomized design was used.
Results showed that used methanol distillation process resulted in physical characteristics similar to those of the original methanol including mass density of 0.792 kg/l, ALB of 0.45-0.56%, and typical methanol smell. The amount of remaining methanol that can be recovered from the esterification process was very significant and reached 77%. It was also found that the utilization of methanol resulted from distillation, distillation cycles, and their interaction did not affect (P>0.05) free fatty acid (FFA) content of Nyamplung oil in esterification process. In transesterification process, no significant effects (P>0.05) were either found on the yield and quality (FFA content, viscosity, and mass density) of Nyamplung oil biodiesel. Mass density and viscosity, but not acid number, was found to meet SNI standards. The utilization of methanol resulted from distillation was found to save methanol cost of 54.8%.

Keywords: biodiesel, nyamplung oil, methanol recovery.

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